Grand Hotel - Cast list
Colonel Doctor Otternschlag – Andrew Lowrie
Rohna – Stewart Snape
Erik – James Knapp
Chauffeur – Toby Davis
Zinnowitz – Matt Dudley
Sandor – Tony Daniels
Witt – Barry Dudley
Hermann Preysing – Tom Fitzpatrick
Flaemmchen – Charlotte Dunn
Otto Kringelein – Mark Horne
Baron Felix Von Gaigern – Andrew Smith
Raffaela – Sarah Brookes
Elizaveta Grushinskaya – Angela Daniels 

Paul Brotherton
Rachel Cooper
Julie Cunningham
Kate Darlington
Michael Jenkins
Adam Jones
Jen Meeghan
Martin Mence
Jessica Raven
Wanda Raven
Toni Shukla
Rose Snape
Sally Wood
Grant Woodcock

ANDREW LOWRIE (Colonel Doctor Otternschlag)

 Hi, I'm playing the Doctor in the show and this is my second visit to the "Grand Hotel" having previously stayed there a few years ago!  My first trip to the Hotel was playing the character Witt whilst I was living in Bristol.  The show is a gem of a musical and a real treat for lovers of musical theatre.  My character is a cynical World War One Colonel from the German Army Medical Corp, who was badly wounded during the conflict and bears not only the physical but mental scars of war.

I am looking forward to the challenge of playing this role and introducing the intense drama and great music of this piece to our audiences.  It's 1928 - most people are starting to suffer as the stock market crash looms, everyone is trying to have hope and optimism and in a corner of Berlin the splendour of the Grand Hotel remains, solid and sumptuous, the centre of the high life; then one by one the guests arrive, each with their own story to tell ...

TOM FITZPATRICK (Hermann Preysing) 

Hi there. I'm Tom Fitzpatrick, and my character in 'Grand Hotel' is the play's resident baddie - General Director Herman Preysing. He's an industrialist fighting a losing battle against bankruptcy and personal ruin, with social skills not so much limited as appallingly inappropriate. 

If most of the play's other characters are warm, playful, full of optimism and hope, Herr Preysing is their counterpoint. He's a snob and a boor, treating people as commodities and playthings...

think of a poor man's Weimarian Donald Trump, without the alarming hairpiece and hot wife, and you're pretty much on the money. What a great part to play!

It's great to be part of such a big, talented and friendly cast...rehearsals are  fun and going very well... Grand Hotel shows all the signs of being an epic show.

And the best thing is...I don't have to dance! Phew!